Connect. Elevate. Celebrate!



SBN’s Boston Local Food Program elevates the local food system through events, coalition building, and programming. Choosing local food in New England positively impacts the environment (through shortening the distance food travels, as well as the stewardship of local farmers and fishermen), the local economy, and individual health and wellness. We collaborate with local businesses, nonprofits, government agencies, and individuals to elevate the local food makers across the food system.


SBN’s Boston Local Food Program started in 2009 with a vision of supporting New England’s agricultural and food industries through the first Boston Local Food Festival and Local Food Trade Show. Our mission is to support the growth of local food producers, farmers, and entrepreneurs, thereby supporting local communities, individuals, and the environment.

Since that first start, the Boston Local Food Program has expanded to include awareness raising in support of local food businesses, including the Eat Local Always seasonal campaigns as well as wholesale and technical support for local food businesses, including a variety of wholesale-related workshops, networking opportunities, and resources.

Every year, we uplift hundreds of New England farmers, fishermen, food and beverage makers, and other food businesses; and engage tens of thousands of individuals across the city and region, across communities and backgrounds, to come together to support and strengthen our local food system. The Boston Local Food Program has become a vital resource for those who seek to participate in and strengthen our region's vibrant local food ecosystem.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Statement

The Boston Local Food Program, a program of SBN, values diversity, equity, and inclusion as essential to our mission. Only with a diverse and inclusive team that feels a sense of belonging every day will we reach our vision of co-creating local food systems that are equitable and sustainable. While we have more work to do to advance these values within our organization, we are investing in doing the work to move our organizational culture forward. SBN believes in a top-down DEI approach, with an active and engaged SBN leadership that is majority BIPOC and/or women, leading the organization in recruitment, training, promotion, retention, and inclusion. This provides a leadership that can support a diverse staff in bringing their full-self to the table.

  • Kerry Kokkinogenis

    Local Food Program Manager

    Since graduating with an M.A. in Health Communication in 2008, Kerry has sought to address health disparities in a variety of ways, including studying and addressing the bigger-picture factors that impact health and wellness, including food, strong local communities, and economic opportunities. In 2016, Kerry opened a local-focused, brick-and-mortar food store selling only food grown or produced in the Northeast Region, and more recently, pivoted to a farm-to-home delivery model. After joining the SBN team in April 2023, Kerry has been employing the skills and experiences of those varied endeavors to support local food businesses, farmers, and fisheries with SBN.

  • Gabrielle Brocker

    Local Food Program Coordinator

    Gabrielle recently graduated from California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo with a B.S. in Agricultural Communication. During her undergraduate education, she learned about sustainable agriculture and became captivated by the idea of supplying locally grown food. Cal Poly’s Learn By Doing motto allowed her to work with professionals and peers at the top of California’s agriculture industry, learning about modern solutions to decade-old problems. Gabrielle is looking forward to connecting with local producers and buyers, aiming to foster a thriving and resilient community in Boston. Her goal as the Local Food Program Coordinator is to promote a deeper understanding and appreciation of the local food system, thereby fostering a stronger connection between regional producers and consumers.